Below you will find a short description of my biography ;) Enjoy :)
My adventure with computers began in 1991, when I got Commodore 64 as a gift from Santa Claus. After a short time (when I learned how to write, read and add numbers :P) I found that playing games is not enough for me. So I started to learn a Basic. Together with my friend Gregory we started to explore the secrets of this wonderful language ;) I worked on the Commodore 64 for 8 years and created many games at this time. Most of them were very primitive, but I also created a few gems ;). One of them was a real time strategy game "Osadnicy C-64" (very similar to "Settlers" created by BlueByte, but more primitive and without any graphics). I'm really proud of this project. Another title worth mentioning was commodore version of the "Labyrinth" - of course with worse graphics and smaller levels size. Unfortunately I don't have possibility to make ROMs of C-64 projects because I don't have 5.25'' floppy drive in my PC :/
The next period of my creativity began in December 1999, when I got my first PC. In the time where the Internet was used only by small amount of people, and the rest was forced to use Internet cafes, I was able to find a Basic compiler (MS QBasic). I trying my ability and computing power in the game called Druid. Unfortunately life quickly verified my skills. As an inexperienced QBasic developer I made a mass of errors that were associated with habits acquired in Commodore-64 Basic. I had to suspend work on the project. However I learned many new things and I don't regret time spent to write the application because...
...I began work on a new project - The Labyrinth - conversion of game created on Commodore 64. In the remake I changed many things: improve graphics, increase size and number of levels, add editor and multiplayer. The project was creating for nearly 5 years (with long intervals). Its first playable version was published after 2 years of work (it seems ridiculous, but in fact creating so "complex" application a few years ago was taking a lot of free time). Since the project was finished, I made the attempt to create a continuation of the game. Labyrinth 2 had to go a step further and show the world from an isometric view. Unfortunately, the project was not finished. I went back to the first Labyrinth and slowly replenish it with new ideas. Over the years the game has changed and expanded - now you can download the final version. It was the first big project that I finished on the PC.
When I finished final version of The Labyrinth, I decide to create strategy game - Genus, modeled on the classic game delivered on the Commodore 64. Overall I improved the graphics, change and eliminated many errors appears in the original version and added a few of my own ideas. The first test version of this economic and strategic turn-based game appeared at the end of 2004. The game offered a powerful economic thread (unfortunately with poor optimization), and only partially resolved a military thread (was developed one of two types of planned combat). Overall it was a pretty good piece of code. Unfortunately works on the project hung for a time. Together with a friend Adydan we start to continue the development of project at the end of 2007. To the most important changes include: changing the game compiler (we moved from Qbasic to more modern FreeBASIC), support for higher resolution and changing game name to Genus. We worked on that project for several months unfortunately the work stopped. The main reason was lack of time.
Genus was my last project written in QBasic. In 2004 I started learning the C language, six months later C++. And so began another adventure with the programming. Besides many small programs aimed to introduce me into the secrets of a new language I created three more ambitious projects. The first one was the Get Paid Center which was intended to help earning online in Get-Paid programs. The second program was PDOSWP a simple program to develop series of measurements. The last, most ambitious program is RegMast used to edit the registry. The program allows easy and pleasant editing hidden Windows settings.
In 2009 I began work on the next program - Subacoustic Frequency Generator designed for my master thesis. After many months of hard work I completed application, and ... defended my MA thesis.
After graduation I was hired at EnergoMoc, where I learned another programming language: c#. I consolidated my knowledge by writing four programs specifically for the company:
Counters Register - a database application used for storing number of legalized, checked and calibrated energy meters.
Screen Designer - created to design a state of electricity meters displays.
LLEE Documentation - created for better manage laboratory PDF documentation.
Barcode Reader a simple program for Pocket PC for read barcodes.
POK WIL a database application used for storing number of energy meters storage in POK magazine.
In December 2010 I decided to start learning XNA. I bought the appropriate book and start to study the secrets of creating games. After several months of intensive studying I came to the conclusion that it is the high time to create a first major project using the duo's C # and XNA. Thus the MMShooter was born - project which is now very intensively developed.
This is where my story coincides with the present and waiting for the follow-up. I hope fate will be gracious for me;) Finally I wish to thank all persons who helped me to develop my passion. I also thank everyone who visited this page. I look forward to your insights, comments and opinions.